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Resonant cross-relaxation between Cr3+ and V3+ in Al2O3

A. Gavaix, A. Vasson, A.-M. Vasson, C.A. Bates and P. Steggles
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 37 (11) 1051 (1976)

Cross-relaxation to fast relaxing ions in alumina

C A Bates, P Steggles, A Gavaix, A Vasson and A -M Vasson
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 8 (14) 2300 (1975)

Cross-relaxation between Kramers and non-Kramers ions by a quadrupole-electric-field interaction

C A Bates, W S Moore, T M Al-Sharbati, et al.
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 7 (5) L83 (1974)

Mossbauer spectra of trispyrrolidylcarbodithioates of Cr(III), Co(III), Ga(III), and In(III) doped with Fe(III). Evidence of cross relaxation between Fe(III)–Cr(III)

Stephen F. Krzeminski and Darel K. Straub
The Journal of Chemical Physics 58 (3) 1086 (1973)

Effect of Fe2+on electron spin relaxation for one transition of Fe3+in corundum

G Raoult, A Gavaix, A Vasson and A M Vasson
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 4 (18) 3297 (1971)